3 Elements of a Profitable Website

Creating a good site is one thing. Taking advantage of it is a completely different story. I have heard many people complain about having a unique website that offers excellent products or services and does not take advantage of it. They spend money on advertising every month and do not get anything from the site.

Profitable websites for sale

There is a widespread myth that only people who make money online are the ones selling products about how to make money online. That is not true. There are many profitable websites for sale that sell various products. Why is eBay the most frequented and profitable Internet site? People sell a variety of things there and make big profits. Many people make money selling things like jewelry, cosmetics, shoes, shirts, pants, watches, etc. and they get big profits.

There are some simple low-cost or no-cost strategies that any small business entrepreneur can do immediately to increase his exposure to the web, increase traffic to his site and make many sales every day.

Understand Your Market

The most important thing for an online business is to know its market. Many new entrepreneurs and website owners tend to neglect the fact that if they do not do market research they will never know their target market. It is a mistake to think that a product is for everyone. You must know your target market before starting a website. Even if you already have a website, you must do a thorough investigation to know your target market.

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It’s the same as in the offline world. If you open a brick and mortar store in the real world, you would definitely investigate your target market to design your advertising campaign. First, you must understand your target market and then the purpose of your website. For example, if you sell dog beds, you must first investigate the number of people who have a dog. There are millions of people in the United States who have dogs as pets. Now investigate how many people buy dog beds for their dogs. And how many of them prefer to buy dog ​beds on the Internet.

Profitable websites for sale

Could you be thinking about how to research your target market? Well, you should use surveys and visit related forums. Therefore, if you sell dog beds, you can find a forum where dog enthusiasts frequent. Ask them what problems they face when buying dog beds online. You will know your target market. Now modify your site in such a way that it contains a series of articles on how to buy dog ​​beds along with the product itself.

Conversion Element on Your Website

To convert visitors to your site, you must have a strong sales message on the homepage of your site plus a strong call to action. Consider adjusting the content of your homepage to convert visitors to your site. Ask them to buy and explain the benefits of buying and using their product. Offer a strong call to action and create a sense of urgency.

Remember that if your site does not convert visitors, it does not make sense to generate traffic to your website through expensive advertising budgets. Your site should convert at least 1% of visitors so you can be sure that if you bring 10,000 people to your site through various online advertising media, you will get 100 sales.

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Get The Email Addresses and Phone Numbers of Visitors

It is very important to ask your visitors to leave their email addresses in exchange for something valuable. You can collect the email addresses of visitors and send them to offers and discounts on your product. To encourage visitors to give their email addresses, you must give something valuable. For example, if you have a business that sells fishing equipment, you should offer tips and tricks to catch big fish. Present these tips and tricks in a report in exchange for email addresses. This strategy alone can increase your sales and profits.

And always remember, always, always, track everything. Track where your traffic comes from, track your conversion rate, track your subscription by email, with free tools like Google Analytics that you can not pay.

For more information, visit Profitable Websites for Sale. You can also request information to find out how we can help you create a website to grow your list of emails.

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